Lucas Wayne and the Cottonmouths
Lucas Wayne is a storyteller at heart, singing about the quirks of everyday characters and the experiences of growing up in rural Eastern Kentucky and Southern Illinois - where he is based today. Classically trained, his vocal range and natural vibrato leaves crowds stunned. Wayne’s songs move between simply sweet, utterly silly and seriously sad. They all resonate with a humble honestly that is inviting and refreshing.
For a few years Lucas Wayne has been captivating audiences as a solo artist. Now he is touring with his band The Cottonmouths - whose members have toured extensively with Vince Herman Band, Rev Peyton’s Big Damn Band, The Whistle Pigs and more. Together they present an emotionally and sonically dynamic show that instantly connects with people. It features a truly impressive vocal performance, red-hot lead guitar/pedal-steel and a perfectly seasoned rhythm section.
Get em now while you can still afford it!
“Dear Talent Buyer - You should buy this talent.”
— Vince Herman (Leftover Salmon)
“You have GOT to hear this guy’s voice!”
— Andy Rehm (The Hooten Hallers)
Notable Festivals/Venues
Whispering Beard
Master Musicians Festival
Black Mountain Jamboree
Little Sandy Shake Down
Dee’s Country Cocktail Lounge (Nashville)
The Burl (Lextington)
Whirling Tiger (Louisville)
John R Miller
Nicholas Jamerson
Jim Lauderdale
Nolan Taylor
Sundy Best
JR Carroll
The Hooten Hallers
Joe’s Truck Stop
Appeared With
Live Performance Videos
His sweet side:
His sad side:
His silly side:
His solo side:
Lucas Wayne on Spotify
Nathan Graham - 618-203-4104